Below are the requirements for starting a Hot Rod Club and becoming Affiliated to NZHRA

  1. To become an NZHRA Club you must be an Incorporated Society. In order to do this you must have a minimum of 15 Club Members.
  2. You will need to hold a Club meeting, with all Members in attendance, to elect the officers of the Club. The officers required are: President, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee members.
  3. Minutes must be kept of this and all subsequent meetings.
  4. A constitution should be drawn up to suit the needs of the particular club.
  5. The club should then start the process of becoming an Incorporated Society under the Incorporated Societies Act 2022.  For more information on becoming an Incorporated Society check out the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Deveopment website for Incorporated Societies 
  6. A bank account should be arranged in the name of the club with two or three signatures required to withdraw money.
  7. A Post Office Box Number should be obtained in the name of the club.
  8. An email address should be created to make contacting the Club easier, many Clubs also have a phone line or use the Clubs Officers contact details.
  9. Each Affiliated Club's Annual General Meeting should be held at some point prior to June 30th each year, in order that Club Fees may be collected in time to pay NZHRA Affiliations due July 1st each year.

Note:  A solicitor should be consulted for the drawing up of a Club's constitution, or alternatively consult the Registrar of Incorporated Societies.  They have brochures dealing with requirements of Incorporation, or check out their website. Once the above requirements have been completed the Club concerned can then apply to NZHRA for affiliation. The first step is to get in contact with the Zone Director of the geographical area you are looking to base the Club. The Zone Director will contact all the Clubs in the Zone and will complete one of the following actions:

  1. Hold a meeting with the new club's delegates and the rest of the affiliated club's delegates, discussing the affiliation of the new club to NZHRA, where it will be decided on their becoming affiliated to NZHRA. 
  2. Request that NZHRA sends out voting forms to each club in the Zone, voting for or against the new club becoming affiliated to NZHRA.  This is often done in larger zones.

In order for Clubs to complete a vote the below information will need to be sent to the Head Office

  1. Copy of your Certificate of Incorporation.
  2. A list of members, noting who your club committee members are.
  3. A copy of your club constitution.
  4. A letter from your club, explaining who you are, what area you cover, and the general characteristics of the club, this will go out to clubs with the voting forms so they know who you are and what you are about.